Sort Riders by Name
Cynthia Knudsen
this could also be in my suggestion to have all the races you are entered into under your "Event history" of Upcoming races with your draw in each race info... :)
Jessica Speirs
Yes but I would use this function to double check how many runners are between racers on multiple horses so I would already need to know everyone in multiple horses to use the search function and with 100+ runners it's easy to miss someone. When sorted by name, I can quickly see when the name shows up multiple times.
Gilly Angel
Have you tried the search field in the top left corner of the draw? when you search the name it filters the entire draw for the person you are looking for.
Jessica Speirs
Gilly Angel: any luck on this being a possibility? Thank you!
Gilly Angel
Jessica Speirs: we haven't explored it any further. We are tackling bugs that currently exist on the platform before we start navigating any new development.